Master Class Session
60 minutes masterclass by subject matter experts for registered attendees.
Tentative list of sessions planned.
SMEs can now raise equity capital for growth thru Initial Public Offering (IPO). Apart from eliminating cash outflows for regular interest payments, IPOs bring
respectability for SMEs among their customers, business partners and employees.
This session will provide a hands-on step by step guide on how to prepare for IPO
Scaling Up: 10X in 7 years
Many SMEs have tested product market proposition with loyal customers and
profitable business. What they lack is ambition! They are well placed to grow
many-fold by expanding their markets – within Indian and internationally and extend their product range. This session will provide a framework to identify whether and
how a SME can scale up 10X in 7 years or less.
Leveraging Government schemes for MSMES
MSMEs are the backbone of Indian economy; they create many jobs. Central & State
governments have several schemes to assist MSMEs in a variety of ways. Many
MSMEs are not aware of these schemes and fail to benefit from these. This session will
provide a holistic overview of all the main schemes and guide the MSME owners on
how they can avail of and benefit from these schemes
Intellectual Property Rights – Protecting and capturing value
Long term value creation and capture require creation of Intellectual Property Rights.
This requires a timely effort to apply for and obtain copyright and IPR in various
jurisdictions within and outside India. Government and many agencies help MSMEs
obtain these rights at highly subsidized rates. This session will provide MSME owners a
step by step guide.
GEMS: Selling to Government
Government of Indian spends INR 4 trillion every year; this is about 15% of GDP. Government has streamlined procurements by Government departments, agencies, and some PSUs thru Government eMarketplace (GEMS). This session will provide step by step guidance on MSMEs can register in GEMS and sell to Government. Its easier than what you think.
D2C Duty Free exports thru Amazon Global Sellers
While bulk shipments are subject to taxes and tariffs, smaller shipments for personal
use with value not exceeding USD 1200 (Rs 1 lakh) are exempt or pay nominal 4% tax in
developed countries like USA. Many MSMEs can now generate demand from Amazon
marketplace in USA and use Amazon Global Sellers to fulfill such orders at a huge
margin. Learn how you can benefit from this D2C way to serve International high
margin customer.
Top AI tools for MSME owners
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in news every day, and is likely to redefine how we do live, work, entertain and more. This session will discuss the key AI tools that a MSME can
use to improve productivity, improve customer service, and grow its business. No
prior knowledge of AI is needed.
Business opportunities in Defense Sector
Government of India allocates about 6 lakh crores to defense of which nearly half is
spent on the purchase of goods and services while the rest goes to salaries and pensions etc. Government is keen to get Indian companies MSMEs develop and
supply products to DRDO as a part of its strategy to reduce imports. This session will outline opportunities for MSME in the defense sector.
Cyber risks and frauds: How to prepare and avoid cyber threats
India experienced nearly 90 Million cyber-attacks in 2024 and lost over 5000 Crores
to cyber criminals. As MSMEs adopt digital technologies, they must be aware of cyber
risks and take proactive measures to identify and manage potential risks. This session
will provide MSME owners a check list of precautions they should take.
Women MSME owners: Unique challenges & opportunities
20% of MSMEs are owned by women with mostly concentrated in micro segment.
Women MSME owners face some unique challenges. This session will discuss these
challenges and, schemes the central and state governments offer to help women
business owners.
Hiring and developing talent for growth
In addition to the financial capital, MSMEs also suffer from the lack of human capital.
For them to thrive, the MSMEs need to attract and retain high quality work force and
develop and train the leaders to support their growth plans. This session will share how MSMEs can achieve that and share success stories of selected MSMEs and their
growth stories.
Preparing next generation for succession
Succession planning is a big challenge for many successful MSMEs. At times, their
children wish to pursue their own dreams and don’t want to work in the family
business; the business owner must start working an exit strategy early on. Even if children want to join the business, they have very different ideas amplifying the inter-generational differences that need to be carefully managed. This session will
provide practical insights to the business owners.
Business opportunities in international markets like Saudi Arabia
This spotlight session will provide a glimpse of business opportunities in international markets like Saudi. Multiple sessions may be planned that will be conducted by
respective embassies, Indian consul offices or established consulting organizations.
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Joint Ventures and Collaborations
MSMEs can also pursue growth within India and overseas through inorganic
strategies. Many international companies are looking to partner and invest in Indian companies. In this session, we will help owners identify suitable inorganic growth strategies and how they can execute these and related brand and tech licensing